
Videoconference with Washington on Missile Defence held in IWP

01:19 PM 22-11-2011

The Institute of World Policy held a video conference with Washington “Ukraine and Transatlantic Missile Defense System: Views from Washington” within a project “Ukraine in NATO Missile Defense System: Pro et Contra” which is conducted by the Institute of World Policy jointly with the Center for Army Conversion and Disarmament Studies with the support from the NATO Liaison Office Ukraine.The event is organized by the Institute of World Policy jointly with Atlantic Council (USA).
Mr. Ian Brzezinski, Senior Fellow in the International Security Program, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and NATO Policy (2001–5) and Mr. Steven Pifer, director of the Brookings Arms Control Initiative, a former ambassador to Ukraine took part in the event.

Oksana Pylyavets, analyst of the IWP, moderator of the videoconference
Maksym Kostenko, Council for National Security and Defence of Ukraine

Mikhaylo Pohrebynskiy, director Kyiv center for Political and Conflict Studies