IWP held a large-scale conference on relations between Ukraine and the European Union on the 15th of May.It is the largest annual conference in Kiev on Ukraine’s relations with the EU organized in partnership with the MFA of Ukraine.
Speakers: acting Foreign Minister of Ukraine Andriy Deshchitsa, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Ian Tombinski, First Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Inna Emelyanovа, senior fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations Andrew Wilson, chairman of the European Stability Initiative (ESI) Gerald Knaus, EBA President Tomas Fiala and others.
The participants discussed the first results of Ukraine–EU political association, Ukraine’s readiness to sign EU-Ukraine Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, and introduction of the visa-free regime with EU.
Acting Foreign Minister of Ukraine Andriy Deshchitsa
Director of the Institute of World Policy Alyona Getmanchuk and Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Ian Tombinski
Acting Foreign Minister of Ukraine Andriy Deshchitsa and expert of the European Council on Foreign Relations Andrew Wilson
Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Ian Tombinski
Deputy Director General of the Razumkov Centre Valeriy Chaly
Government Authorized Representative for European Integration Valerii Piatnytskyi
Volodymyr Ohryzko, Minister of Foreign Affairs (2007-2009)
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kingdom of the Netherlands to Ukraine Kees Klompenhouwer
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic in Ukraine John Pochuh and President of the European Business Association Tomas Fiala
Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Ihor Shvaika speaking
Ex-member of Ukrainian team of negotiators on EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and DCFTA Taras Kachka speaking
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Andrii Olefirov
First Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Inna Emelyanova
Head of the Civic organization «Europe without Barriers» Iryna Sushko, Deputy Chairman of Migration Service of Ukraine Tatiana Nikitina, and Ambassador of Czech Republic Ivan Pochuh
Country Director of Pact in Ukraine Roland Kovats
The event was also attended by the experts from the most influential European think tanks who have been invited to Kyiv by the Institute of World Policy. The purpose of European think-tanks’ meeting is to give them firsthand information about situation in Ukraine. Some of the think-tanks which joined the initiative: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) (Brussels), Chatham House (London), CIDOB (Barcelona), Centre for International Affairs, (Barcelona), Ifri (Institut français des relations internationales) (Paris), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) (Berlin) and others.
The project “New European Policy” is conducted with the support of the “Ukraine National Initiatives to Enhance Reforms” (UNITER) project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Pact.

International Conference “The New European Policy: from Words to Actions”
03:36 PM 15-5-2014
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