The Media-Club with Hanne Severinsen, former Co-Rapporteur of the Monitor Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1995-2007) took place on February 21st, 2011 at the Institute of World Policy.Communicating to journalists, Hanne Severinsen paid much attention to the assessments of the internal policy of the Ukraine under the President Viktor Yanukovich. She, in particularly, criticized the consolidation of powers in the hands of President Yanukovich, and selective justice directed against representatives of the former government.
{1}She also claimed that it was an unreasonable decision to finish the Council of Europe’s monitoring of Ukraine. She explained that Kyiv is far from implementing the responsibilities laid down by the Strasbourg authorities. {2}
However, Hanne Severinsen believes the comparison of Ukraine with Belarus to be inappropriate: “Previous Presidential elections in Ukraine have been recognized by the international community, so no one can doubt that Viktor Yanukovich is the legitimate President. Belarus is an absolutely different case”.
Hanne Severinsen also stated that visa-free regime with the EU should be established for the Ukrainian citizens. According to her it would widen the outlook of the Ukrainians, showing them how other states are ruled.

IWP held the Media-Club with Hanne Severinsen
01:01 PM 21-2-2011
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