IWP with the support of the Norwegian government and the NATO Liaison Office in Ukraine has published a concluding policy brief, based on the results of the large scale project Strategic Discussion Club.The official presentation of the analytical paper was held at the sixth meeting of the Strategic Discussion Club “Post-Vilnius: Diagnosis national (in) security” on December, 16th.
Policy Brief states that the main security challenges for Ukraine are of internal nature. The weak institutions, pandemic corruption and non-transparency made Ukraine vulnerable to internal and external threats, polarized the society and often generated crisis situations. The inability of the Ukrainian elite to surmount the internal security threats generate reversible crises which pop-up once in every few years in areas like energy, economy, judiciary, etc.
The research emphasizes that the most appropriate tool to increase the security of Ukraine and treat the cause of its vulnerability is to engage in a deep and extensive process of Europeanization that would consolidate institutions, combat corruption and increase accountability and transparency of the decision-making process. The Europeanization process does not necessarily imply EU membership for Ukraine, but gives the possibility to benefit from funds and best practices without surrendering sovereignty.
Ten leading Ukrainian and international experts made their contributions to the concluding paper.
The full text of the Policy Brief in English is here.
Concluding Paper “Ukraine: Diagnostics of the National (in)Security”
01:25 PM 17-12-2013
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