On Friday 25th of January at 5 p.m., the Insrtitute of World Policy will show the documentary film by Gerald Knaus and Fritz Ofner “Moldova – Lost in Transition” that is part of the Return to Europe film series (www.returntoeurope.org) initiated and supported by ERSTE Stiftung.This is the story of a post-Soviet country struggling to overcome the steepest economic decline any society ever experienced in peacetime. We meet musicians and activists, communists and secessionist, Europhiles, young urbanites and desperate pensioners, in a society caught between the EU in the West and an increasingly authoritarian East. As Moldova develops a clearer sense of where it wants to go as a country it deserves to be taken into account elsewhere in Europe, now more than ever.
The movie screening was followed by “Why Moldova matters?”
Gerald Knaus, ESI chairman and filmmaker, Ion Stavila, Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Ukraine, Leonid Litra, IWP senior policy fellow and moderator attended the event.
The event was held within the framework of the IWP project “How to get rid of post-Sovietness?” under the support of the GMF Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation
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