
IWP will participate in formation of the National Anti-Corruption Agency

02:24 PM 28-8-2015

Viktor Shlinchak, the Chairman of the Institute of World Policy, has been elected as a civil society representative to the tender committee for the selection of candidates for the National Anti-Corruption Agency.Overall, four representatives of civil society have been elected to the committee. The other committee members are Andrii Marusov of Transparency International Ukraine, Viktor Taran of the Center for Political Studies and Analytics and Lesia Shevchenko of the Open Society Foundation. They have been voted for by 23 of 24 admitted NGOs.

“We have witnessed the well-organized elections, compliant with procedures and process logic: with online broadcast, candidates’ biographies available to the public, the candidates’ physical presentation, Q&A session, voting and live results counting,” commented Oleksiy Khmara, the Chairman of Transparency International Ukraine, on his social network page about the voting.

In order to launch the Commission’s activities, the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament and the National Agency for Civil Service should also delegate their representatives.

“On August 31, a monitoring group of the EU experts arrives to Ukraine to verify implementation of the anti-corruption legislation. By that time, the commission roster will be approved” – said Pavlo Petrenko, the Justice Minister of Ukraine.

It should be reminded, that according to the “On Prevention of Corruption” law of October 14, 2014, the National Agency is the central executive body with special status that forms and implements the national anti-corruption policy.

The Agency comprises five members appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers for 4 years through competitive selection. The Chairman of the National Agency is elected from those members.

The duties of the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption include development of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and the state program of the latter’s implementation, as well as maintenance of the unified state register of tax declarations of Ukrainian officials and the unified state register of the persons accused of corruption legislation violations.