November 16th Alyona Getmanchuk, IWP director, presented recommendaations concerning Ukrainian-US relations during a roundtable discussion in the Verkhovna Rada.The roundtable’s theme was “The consequences of the presidential election in the United States of America for Ukraine. Strategy for further action.” The meeting took place based on the initiative of the Verkhovna Rada’s foreign relations subcommittee on European and Euro-Atlantic integration.
Alyona Getmanchuk presented the IWP’s memo concerning Ukraine’s politics on the USA after the election of the 45th head of the White House, as well as recommendations from the “Foreign Policy Audit: Ukraine-USA.”
Representatives of the legislative and executive powers and NGO’s discussed the results of the US presidential elections with the goal of developing a vision of future development of relations between Ukraine and the US.
Moderator Svitlana Zalishchuk, head of the Verkhovna Rada’s foreign relations subcommittee on European and Euro-Atlantic integration, summed up the results of the discussion in this manner:
– It is so far too early to make conclusions about how the structure of bilateral relations between the USA and Ukraine will change after the election of Donald Trump as the president of America. A calm and calculating approach is necessary in setting up communication with the new power in Washington
– The thesis that Ukrainian officials need to develop a unified strategy of relations with Washington and underline concrete goals and messages for the American side to clearly hear and understand has been generally approved.
– The participants declared the importance of correctly emphasizing those successes which our government has achieved in conducting reforms.
– An agreement was reached that Ukraine should be the first one to propose a strategy of relations with Washington without waiting for the first steps to be taken by the American side.
– Among Ukraine’s priorities defined by the experts in cooperation with the US was the security sphere and macrofinancial and economic assistance. Emphasis was placed on the importance of making clear to the American side the importance of the Ukrainian question for all of Central-Eastern Europe.
According to her, a series of ideas and proposition will be included in the recommendations with the results of the parliamentary hearings concerning foreign policy on December 7.

Alyona Getmanchuk presented the IWP’s recommendations in the Verkhovna Rada
09:55 AM 17-11-2016
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