The representatives of the Institute of World Policy, Senior Analyst Leonid Litra and First Deputy Director Sergiy Solodkyy, participated in the expert discussion of the EU’s role in conflict resolution in other countries.The event has been held at the London School of Economics (the UK) within the large-scale project implemented by a consortium of twelve partner organizations. The “Whole of Society Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding” (WOSCAP) project is a part of framework of the European Union’s “Horizon 2020” program. This project is aimed at critical and constructive assessment of policies and instruments applied by the EU in order to prevent and resolve conflicts.
Aside from the overall analysis of the EU’s policies and specific issues Associated with peacebuilding (such as multilateral diplomacy, management, etc.), project participants will focus on four specific conflicts (Ukraine, Georgia, Mali and Yemen) in order to assess the EU’s efforts and to propose policy options.
This project is implemented under direction of the GPPAC (Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, Hague) and in partnership with nine organizations, including the Institute of World Policy, London School of Economics, Utrecht University and others.
Duration of this project is 2.5 years, from mid-2015 until the end of 2017. Ukraine has joined the EU’s “Horizon 2020” program only in March 2015, when the IWP had already contributed to its realization.

The IWP’s experts discussed the EU’s role in conflict resolution
04:57 PM 2-12-2015
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