November 8, Kateryna Zarembo, IWP deputy director, took part in a public discussion in Kramatorsk concerning the realization of the Minsk Agreements.The discussion was organized by the Donetsk Institute of Information with support from the International Renaissance Foundation.
Participants presented the conclusions from their research “Not so quiet on the Eastern Front: Minsk agreements audit and options for Ukraine’s reintegration.”
Video is available here.
As Kateryna Zarembo noted, similar discussion are of utmost importance for counteracting manipulation of social opinion concerning the Minsk process and Ukraine’s position. The expert called the absence of competent communication with the population “a timebomb waiting to go off”.
Because of the fact that Ukraine’s approach to the Minsk agreements remains undiscussed with the population and open to interpretation within the country, this can be of benefit to pro-Russian forces headed by Oppoblok for a variety of different forms of manipulation, but most of all- for inciting protest amongst citizens.
October 18th the research “Not so quite on the Eastern Front: Minsk agreements audit and options for Ukraine’s reintegration” was presented in Brussels. This report is a product of the mutual efforts of experts from the Institute of World Policy, Vox Ukraine, Democratic Initiatives Foundation, and the Donetsk Institute of Information.
The text of the research can be read here.

The IWP and its partners presented the “Minsk Agreement Audit” in Kramatorsk
06:17 PM 30-11-2016
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