The Institute of World Policy is among the most transparent think tanks in the World, according to the survey, published June 29 and conducted by Transparify. The survey covers 200 think tanks in 47 countries worldwide.IWP has received “5 stars”, meaning that the organization is highly transparent: all donors listed, clearly identifying funding amounts for, and sources of, particular projects. Only three institutions in Ukraine have embraced the gold standard for transparency. In general, only 15 European think tanks from non-EU member states were assessed as highly transparent.
As Transparify notes, being highly transparent these Ukrainian think tanks “bolster their claim to intellectual independence and integrity in a context where intense political rivalry has often raised questions about the credibility of data and policy recommendations”.
All institutions were assessed by two raters who worked independently from each other. They visited think tank websites and searched for financial data following a standard protocol, and then awarded between zero and five stars according to the type and extent of information available on how the think tank was funded. For more detailed information on methodology, please, see the full report.
The full report “How Transparent are Think Tanks about Who Funds Them 2016?” is available here.
The rating was conducted between 01 November and 05 December 2015, with the adjudication concluding at the end of January 2016.
This report has been made possible through the support of the Think Tank Fund of the Open Society Foundations.

IWP among the Most Transparent Think Tanks
03:13 PM 29-6-2016
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