IWP has developed 15 recommendations for the Ukrainian goverment in order to maintain its close relations with the US. The document was written by IWP analysts in the cooperation with former US Ambassadors to Ukraine John Herbst and Steven Pifer.· To accept Donald Trump’s victory as a common fact in course of regular U.S. presidential elections and remain reserved and detached.
· To start negotiations with Donald Trump’s team concerning Ukraine’s and America’s prospects of bilateral relations, fulfillment of Minsk agreements, sanctions imposed against Russia, and internal reforms in Ukraine via official and unofficial channels.
· To initiate dialogue with Vice President- Michael Pence, who keeps to traditional views of the Republican Party on international relations (necessity to carry out active U.S. policy on the global stage , support of strengthening democracy, and counteractions to Russia’s aggressive policy). To suggest the possibility of including Ukrainian issues into new. Vice President’s portfolio in course of negotiations with new administration representatives.
· To establish contacts with main candidates for the position of U.S. Secretary of State (Newt Gingrich, Robert Corker, John Bolton), Minister of Defense (Jefferson Sessions) and National Security Advisor (Michael Flynn).
· To initiate top-level invitation of Donald Trump to Ukraine or discuss the possibility of arranging a meeting in the USA at the highest level before the Inauguration Day occurs. In particular, to suggest the possibility of conducting regular high-level telephone conversations for exchanging ideas.
· To emphasize the fact that Ukraine spends 5% of its GDP on national security and defense without even being a member of NATO- thus, Ukraine is not a “freeloader” in security issues and as a result encourages strengthening of security in the Euroatlantic region.
· In a dialogue with the US concerning security issues, to emphasize the development of human and institutional capacity and at a lesser extent to raise an issue on lethal armaments transfer. (ATMS, MANPADS). At the same time, to consider the possibility of putting forward a proposal to the US government regarding the acquisition of required military equipment in sufficient quantity, in such a way demonstrating Ukraine’s readiness to pay for its own security.
· To put a special emphasis on cooperation with newly-elected Senate and House of Representatives. In such a manner to make use of existing two-party consensus in the US Congress concerning comprehensive support for Ukraine in terms of Russian aggression and the process of reforms implementation.
· To facilitate Senate’s approval of a bill №5094, “On stability and democracy in Ukraine” (STAND for Ukraine Act) by carrying out active interparliamentary activities. This bill anticipates US refusal to recognize the annexation of Crimea by Russia, as well as the necessity to renew Ukraine’s border control as a requirement for lifting the sanctions.
· To develop and agree with the newly-elected U.S. presidential administration a clearly defined set of indicators for implementation of reforms in key areas s in order to prevent speculations on “Ukraine fatigue.”
· During the next two months special attention is to be focused on making tangible progress in fight against corruption. Ukraine, currently having one of the best legislative frameworks to fight corruption, must demonstrate successful results that can be presented to the new presidential administration as a strong indicator of readiness for further implementation of reforms and effective application of American assistance.
· To initiate top-level discussions concerning the possibility to implement common Ukrainian-American business projects. Within this context, it is important to hold negotiations on the possibility of engaging American companies into the process of privatization.
· With active participation of representatives of Ukrainian embassy in USA, to set up a center where all the governmental and non-governmental lobbyists of Ukrainian national interests in Washington could be gathered. Explore the possibility of developing a professional lobbyist structure that would facilitate upholding of Ukraine’s national interests and creating its positive image in the U.S.
· To initiate address of Ukrainian community in the U.S. to the new president and Congress urging to continue active support for Ukraine as a country meeting America’s national interests.
· It is important to establish contacts with a maximum number of influential U.S. think-tanks without focusing on cooperation with solely one or two of them.

Policy Memo to the President of Ukraine on the United States after the election of its 45th President
11:00 AM 10-11-2016
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