IWP media
21 March
2014Is it Another Agreement or Another EU?Director of the IWP Alyona Getmanchuk for “UKRAINSKA PRAVDA” (available in Ukrainian only)
18 March
2014New European PolicyDirector of the IWP Alyona Getmanchuk and First Deputy Director of the IWP Serhiy Solodky for newspaper “Day” (available in.
18 March
2014Ukraine-EU: A Chance to Restore Historical JusticeDeputy Director of the IWP Kateryna Zarembo for EuobserverDuring the Euromaidan’s events the EU’s normative power declared itself fully —.
06 March
2014Putin’s NightmareFisrt Deputy Director of the IWP Serhiy Solodky for “Day” (in Ukrainian only)
05 March
2014Raider Capture of Ukraine. Putin’s PlanSenior research fellow of the IWP Leonid Litra for “Glavcom” (available in Russian only)
05 March
2014Putin Starts a Diplomatic Phase of the WarDirector of the IWP Alyona Getmanchuk for newspaper “Day” (available in Ukrainian only)
03 March
2014Euroatlantist Diary. He will LoseDirector of the IWP Alyona Getmanchuk for “UKRAINSKA PRAVDA” (available in Russian only)
27 March
2014Euroatlantist Diary. Pleasant Diplomatic SurpriseDirector of the IWP Alyona Getmanchuk for “UKRAINSKA PRAVDA” (available in Ukrainian only)
26 March
2014My Dear Friends from DonetskDirector of the IWP Alyona Getmanchuk for “UKRAINSKA PRAVDA” (available in Russian only)
25 March
2014Ukraine: the End of Post-SovietnessDeputy Director of the IWP Kateryna Zarembo for EuobserverWhat is happening now in Ukraine is not a full victory yet..
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