IWP media
19 December
2012On foreign policy choiceInterview of the director of the Institute of World Policy for the newspaper “Day”Аvailable only in Ukrainian
17 December
2012Euro-Atlantist’s Diary. OSCE Chairmanship: one more chance not to miss oneBlog by Alyona Getmanchuk, IWP’s Director for UKRAINSKA PRAVDA
13 December
2012Euro-Atlantist’s Diary. Thanks to Medvedchuk.Blog by Alyona Getmanchuk, IWP’s Director, for UKRAINSKA PRAVDA
07 December
2012Association Agreement with EU must be signed in 2013Blog by Alyona Getmanchuk, director of the Institute of World Policy for “Ukrainska Pravda”Blog available in Ukrainian only.
14 December
2012Euroatlantist Diary. Post-Soviet Pathology.By the director of the IWP Alyona Getmanchuk for the “UKRAINSKA PRAVDA”
31 October
2012Democracy of deceivedBy Sergiy Solodkyi, first deputy director of the IWP for Radio Svoboda
19 October
2012Alyona Getmanchuk: “There are no pro-European political parties in Ukraine”Interview with Alyona Getmanchuk, director of the Institute of World Policy, for Radio “Liberty” Russian Service
19 October
2012The main electionsBlog by Serhiy Solodkiy, the first deputy director of the IWP for “Radio Svoboda” Russian Service
15 October
2012Euroatlantist Diary. European Union and electionsBy the director of the IWP Alyona Getmanchuk for “UKRAINSKA PRAVDA” (available in Ukrainian only)
11 October
2012Euroatlantist Diary. European greetings from DomodedovoBy the director of the IWP Alyona Getmanchuk for “UKRAINSKA PRAVDA” (available in Ukrainian only)
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