06 October
2012Euro-Atlantist’s Diary: Ukrainian Euro-trends from KrynicaBy the director of the IWP Alyona Getmanchuk for “UKRAINSKA PRAVDA”Article is available in Ukrainian only.
01 August
2012Tourism with corruption adventureArticle by Zhanna Bezpiatchuk, analyst of the Institute of World Policy, for GLAVCOM News and Amalytical AgencyArticle available in Ukrainian
30 July
2012Outcome of Euro 2012: Europeans says “yes” to UkraineBy the director of the IWP fofr “DZERKALO TYZHNYA”The article is available only in ukrainian
26 July
2012Euroatlantist’s Diary: How did Euro turn into European integrationBy Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the IWP for “UKRAINSKA PRAVDA”
24 July
2012Euroatlantist’s Diary. Visa Facilitation or Delaying Visa-Free Regime?By Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the IWP for “UKRAINSKA PRAVDA”
16 July
2012Euro-Atlantist’s Diary: To Reform ReformsBlog by Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the Institute of World Policy, for “Ukrainska Pravda”.
02 July
2012Euroatlantist Diary: Compatability testBy Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of IWP for “UKRAINSKA PRAVDA”
27 July
2012Results of the 1st Euro Exit PollInstitute of World Policy prepared the publication “Ukraine’s “Soft Power” in the European Union: Results of the 1st Euro Exit.
27 July
2012IWP has held DVC with the director of Levada-Center Lev GudkowInstitute of World Policy has conducted videoconference with Lev Gudkov, the famous sociologist, director of the leading think tank in.
23 July
2012France: 2:0, Left winArticle by Alyona Getmanchuk, director of the Institute of World Policy for “Mirror of the Week” WeeklyArticle is available in.
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