Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the Institute of World Policy, took part at the Riga Security Conference that was held on the 6 – 7 of November. Alyona Getmanchuk acted as a moderator of the evening Ukrainian panel “Strengthening Ukraine’s European roots”.
Speakers were H.E. Mr Geoffrey R. Pyatt, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of United States of America to Ukraine, Dr Peter Balás, Head of Support Group for Ukraine, European Commission, Ms Orysia Lutsevych, Manager, Ukraine Forum, Chatham House, the United Kingdom and Mr Oleh Rybachuk, Chair and Co-founder of Centre UA
Alyona Getmanchuk also met Celeste Wallander, adviser to US President Barack Obama on Russia and Eurasia isuues. The main topic of the conversation was the US-Ukrainian relations.
Riga Security Conference is the authoritative international forum. This year it was jubilee and held for the tenth. The conference was dedicated to geo-economics.

IWP Took Part at the Riga Security Conference
12:03 PM 9-11-2015
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