On October 18th, the IWP, together with partners from other analytical centers, presented in Brussels the analysis «Not so quiet on the Eastern Front: the audit of Minsk agreements and options for the reintegration of Ukraine».This report is the product of the combined efforts of experts from the Institute of World Politics, Vox Ukraine, the «Democratic Intitiaves» Foundation, and the Donetsk Institute of Information. The full text of the report can be found here.
Kateryna Zarembo, assistant director of the Institute of World Politics
Timofiy Milovanov, co-founder of VoxUkriane.org, acting President of the Kiev School of Economics
Maria Zolkina, political analyst from the «Democratic Initiatives» Foundation
The discussion was monitored by Olena Pristayko, acting director of the Ukraine Think Tanks Liason Office in Brussels.
In presenting the results of their research, experts discussed with their European colleagues the question of the implementation of the Minsk agreements in the area of external politics, economics, social relations, and civil thought, as well as possible scenarios for the further development of actions.
The enterprise was organized by the Ukraine Think Tanks Liason Office in Brussels and the Center for European Policy Studies.
This publication was prepared under «The Think Tank Support Initiative», which is operated by the International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) in partnership with the Think Tank Fund and the Ukraine Think Tanks Liason Office in Brussels. This initiative operates with the financial support of the Swedish Embassy in Ukraine.
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