IWP media
29 September
2009The Euroatlantist Diary. Merkel once again, or Angela and YuliaI don’t know how about you, but your dear servant has already prepared herself psychologically for of a second term.
18 September
2009The Euroatlantist Diary. What Obama thinks?American president continues to gradually destroy its rating among the powerful elite of Central-East Europe. The article is available in.
04 September
2009The Euroatlantist Diary. French intrigueWhen I came back from USA I had the intention to summarize my impressions about how in the new administration.
13 May
2009The Euroatlantist Diary. Europe’s fearsI came back from Prague. The feeling of how the old Europeans have introduced in the practice the formula of.
07 April
2009The Euroatlantist Diary. NATO or… NATONATO opponents are unlucky ones: they tried to burry the Alliance with its 60-years anniversary, yet it still very much.
26 March
2009The Euroatlantist Diary. Russian European Union hysteriaI am very pleased that EU has spread the “Eastern Partnership” among Ukraine and Yushchenko along with Timoshenko have signed.
24 March
2009The Euroatlantist Diary. The ghost of YugoslaviaMarch is full of events that are related to NATO. If talking about French anniversary of leaving the alliance was.
20 March
2009The Euroatlantist Diary. Recommendations and manipulationsThis week has been in particular representative in a sense how Ukrainian consumers of information – and even those, who.
18 March
2009The Euroatlantist Diary. Electoral dependence to RussiaWhat’s the difference between a Ukrainian politician and a European (and American) one before the elections? The article is available.
09 March
2009The Euroatlantist Diary. France returnsOn 9th of March 1966 Charles de Gaulle, a French general has soundly shut doors to NATO. He hasn’t taken.
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