13 October
2016Leaders and Slackers on Ukraine’s Reform Process (ECFR)This text is an annex to “Keeping up appearances: How Europe is supporting Ukraine’s transformation” by Gustav Gressel, Senior Policy.
12 October
2016Foreign Policy Audit: Ukraine-ChinaA discussion paper was prepared by Andriy Goncharuk, Eugenia Hobova, Viktor Kiktenko, Oleksiy Koval, Serhiy Koshovy for the Institute of.
12 October
2016Implementation of the Minsk Agreements: “Red Lines” for UkraineIWP initiated and prepared together with other Ukrainian think tanks a memo for Ukrainian authorities regarding the “red lines,” i.e..
05 October
2016Foreign Policy Audit: Ukraine-GeorgiaA discussion paper was prepared by Daria Gaidai, Research Fellow at the Institute of World Policy.To download pdf-version of the.
04 October
2016Хто є українським Мартіном Сайдіком?Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian.
28 September
2016Foreign Policy Audit: Ukraine—Russia. Discussion paper. Executive summaryA discussion paper was written by Olesya Yakhno, invited expert of the Institute of World PolicyTo download a pdf-version The.
20 September
2016Коли Brexit перетворюється на UAexitSorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian.
19 September
2016Україна як ”нехороший хлопець”. Що стоїть за заявами Фіцо?Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian.
16 September
2016Короткий нормандсько-мінський словник. Слідами візиту Штайнмайєра і ЕроSorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian.
14 September
2016Що українці думають про пріоритети зовнішньої політики?Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian.
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