Own publications
02 April
2012Viktor Shlinchak: There are no preconditions for the renewal of the political configuration in the next ParliamentViktor Shlinchak, Head of the Institute of World Policy’s Supervisory Council, delivered a speech at the International conference “Parliamentary elections.
20 March
2012Pawel Kowal: Electios are the last silver set of spoons.Pavel Kowal, Member of the European Parliament, Head of the EU’s Delegation to Ukraine-EU Committee for Parliamentary Cooperation talks on.
15 March
2012Analytical Paper “Cooperation with NATO: Benefits for Ukraine and Russia”Publication was prepared by the Institute of World Policy as a result of the First Ukraine – Russia – NATO.
14 March
2012Videoconference Kyiv-Moscow “Elections-2012: implications for Russia and the region” at IWPThe videoconference Kyiv-Moscow “Elections-2012: implications for Russia and the region” was held at IWP on March 14, 2012.The speakers in.
12 March
2012Інститут світової політики оголошує тендерSorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian.
21 March
2012Top-10 Ambassadors in Ukraine and AbroadInstitute of World Policy has released “Top-10 Foreign Ambassadors in Ukraine” and “Top-10 Ukrainian Ambassadors Abroad” rankings.Winners of this year’s.
01 December
2011Institute of World Policy announced top Ukraine promoters in the worldKYIV December 1 The Institute of World Policy presented an expert rating “Top 10 Ukraine’s promoters in the world.”The first.
29 November
2011The IWP held a media club with Linas LinkeviciusThe Institute of World Policy hosted a media club with Linas Linkevicius, Lithuania’s Ambassador-at-Large, on Tuesday, November 29. Mr. Linkevicius.
22 November
2011Videoconference with Washington on Missile Defence held in IWPThe Institute of World Policy held a video conference with Washington “Ukraine and Transatlantic Missile Defense System: Views from Washington”.
27 October
2011Ukraine in NATO Missile Defence System: Pro et ContraThe policy paper wаs prepared within the framework of the project “Ukraine in NATO Missile Defence System: Pro et Contra”.
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